Bonitas Multi Academy Trust

School Improvement

Continuous improvement is at the centre of everything we do as a trust of schools.  We believe that this is best accomplished through a combination of support and challenge.   For example:

  • Headteachers can expect line management twice a half-term following the critical friend coaching model.
  • Schools are able to access expertise across the trust to drive improvement   
  • Dedicated packages of support for specific identified areas of concern or need 

Jennett's Park School Improvement Journey

When Bonitas started working with Jennett’s Park in 2017 the school had been in Special Measures for a number of years.  There had been significant levels of staff absence, no substantive head in post, and staff were tired, disillusioned and anxious. 

Bonitas Trust worked to develop a united vision with the school’s staff, and the wider community to ensure that all staff and children could succeed and thrive.   This included focusing on the well-being of the staff, children and wider community, as well as improving the school's educational aims.  The trust believes passionately that it is people who make the difference, and we have confidence that everyone can develop and learn with time and support.  We believe in a kinder approach to significant change.

By 2019 the school had achieved a SIAMS rating of Good and by October 2021 was described by Ofsted as a 'phoenix from the ashes' with an OFSTED rating of Good.  In addition, the school has achieved a National Wellbeing award in March 2022 and the SEND Inclusion Award in June 2023. 

We are all very proud to share their most recent end of year results which demonstrate good, and some great, outcomes at each National grade.  Most importantly they show excellent progress from starting points.  Jennett's Park is a school that lives it's ambition to let children flourish and achieve under God's Love.